Hiking Hut
$6 A Day
Trails in Rocky Mountain National Park tend to be icy and slick. Microspikes take care of the problem. Strap these guys to your feet and enjoy a day in the park safe from wiping out on the ice.

Hiking Poles
$2 A Day
Do you have problem with knee or ankle pain on hikes? Do you want to hike faster or get a full body workout? Hiking poles might be the gear for you. Before you empty the wallet, rent them and see how they work for you here at the Hiking Hut.
Gaiters are used primarily to keep deep snow out of your shoes, off your ankles, and to keep calves warm in the winter. Remember, in the Rockies, the dryer you keep your clothes, the warmer your body is.

Day Pack
$3 A Day
Need a small bag for your day hike?
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Bear Keg
$4 A Night
Anyone camping in Rocky Mountain National Park is required to have a bear keg to discourage bears from wandering near camp sites. Many camp grounds in Estes Park require them as well.

Child Carrier
$10 A Day
Whether your hiking on a trail or shopping in town, using a child carrier makes life so much easier. Save the trouble of packing your own and rent with the Hiking Hut
Basic Stroller
$5 A Day
Make shopping around town easier with small children by renting our strollers so you don't have to bring your own.